Breaking Barriers and Embracing Individuality: A Conversation with Trailblazing Model Jovie

The world of modeling is constantly evolving, and at the forefront of that change are those who push boundaries and redefine beauty. Today, we have the pleasure of interviewing someone who embodies that spirit perfectly: the published model and muse, Jovie! 

Lets get right into this Q&A and see what Jovie has to share!



Beyond the Pose

You're known for your captivating presence in front of the camera. What drives you creatively beyond just striking a pose?

I've done theatre my whole life, so I’ve always been big on creating art through performance and emotion. I think that makes me drawn to things that are more idiosyncratic, as I feel they channel you to create more of an emotional impact. I also love the challenge that modeling creates by having to tell an entire story through a single image, therefore choosing projects with more complexity and a deeper storyline is super fun for me.

Storytelling Through Expression

Great models can convey emotions and narratives through facial expressions. How do you develop your range of expressions to tell a story through a single image?

To be completely honest, I think this is where my neurodivergence really comes in handy. I am autistic, which in turn has made me hyper-empathetic and emotionally intuitive. So, emotions have always felt powerful and passionate to me, and I've never really been able to suppress those emotions. I feel like that's part of why I pull people in; I'm able to access whatever emotion I'm portraying in a way others aren't able to.

Collaboration on Set

A successful photoshoot involves a team effort. How do you collaborate with photographers, stylists, and makeup artists to bring their vision to life while also expressing your own artistic interpretation?

I'm a very detail-oriented person, so making sure the little things that make me "me" are present within a collaboration is crucial to me. This includes things like my tattoos, but also even the more specific details like the way I do my eyebrows. These are the fundamental aspects of my identity. They remain constant, showing my true self even as I explore different concepts.

Staying Authentic

The modeling industry can be demanding. How do you maintain your individuality and sense of self amidst the pressures to conform to specific beauty standards?

Well, to be candid, I've never fit any mold my whole life. I'm unapologetically weird and loud, my brain processes the world in a unique way. This is reflected in my outward expression – tattoos, fun clothes, and brightly colored hair. So even if I wanted to blend in, I was born to stand out. That's definitely prepared me for staying true to myself in the modeling world.

I represent the opposite of what society deems a typical "model." I'm 5'2", have an alternative look, and I'm proudly curvy. There's literally no way for me to conform to certain beauty standards, so I find immense joy in embracing that authenticity as fully as possible.

Breaking Molds

Have you ever faced situations where you felt pressured to portray a certain image that didn't resonate with you? How did you handle those situations?

Thankfully, I've never felt pressured by anyone I've worked with. I'm a big believer in setting clear boundaries from the outset – what I'm comfortable wearing, depicting, and so on. I'm unwavering in these boundaries and have no problem walking away from projects that fall outside them.

I'm also very vocal on set if anything arises that conflicts with my comfort level. This clear communication ensures there's no miscommunication about what I'm comfortable with.

I believe this approach lets fellow creatives know I'm confident and don't compromise on the image I want to portray. It also helps me connect with like-minded people who share my values.

Finding Your Light

Lighting plays a crucial role in creating impactful photos. Describe how you work with lighting to enhance your performance in front of the camera?

When I step on set I do a full 360° to immediately figure out where the light is coming from. That helps me make sure my shapes and my face don't get lost in the shadows. Beyond that though, one of my favorite things is playing with colored lights to enhance the feeling of a piece. I feel like colors evoke certain emotions from people a lot more than we think they do. So, I love getting to emphasize emotion in a shoot in such a simple yet impactful way. 

Dream Campaign

If you could be the face of any brand campaign (past or present), which one would it be and why does it resonate with you?

I would’ve loved to have been a part of the Steve Madden ‘big head girl’ campaign from the late 90s! Those ads were always so quirky and fun, and they MADE you notice them in the best way. That’s the kind of energy I’ve always exuded, and what I’ve worked hard to make my brand reflect. So I know I would’ve killed it (had I not been a literal toddler lol).

From Model to Muse

Some models inspire artistic expression beyond photography. Have you ever collaborated with painters, sculptors, or other artists who used you as their muse? If so, how was that experience?

I have not had the chance to work with artists of other mediums yet, but I definitely hope to do so! The creative community is so wickedly talented, it’d be an honor to be the focus of someone’s artistic expression.

Advocacy Through Art

Many models use their platform for social causes. Are there any specific issues or movements you're passionate about that you'd like to advocate for through your art form?

I feel if I were to only name one cause I’m passionate about, that wouldn’t be nearly enough. So I feel like the issues/causes I raise awareness for are under the category of “allowing people to live their life authentically”. I will always be in support of a movement that pushes people closer to equity, gets them the accommodations they need, or makes them feel seen in a world that oppresses them. Those are things i've personally struggled with being a queer disabled person, so I want to help in ways I’ve needed and learn how to help in ways I haven’t. 

Looking Forward

What excites you most about the future of the modeling industry? Where do you see it evolving in terms of inclusivity, creativity, and representation? 

I’m excited to see more diverse people getting into the community! I started modeling because I wanted to feel like art, yet I didn’t know if there was a place for me in the modeling industry. Seeing successful models who looked like me showed me that I could be one too. I also think the modeling world is growing a lot more inclusive, especially in these last few years. So I’m so excited to see the masterpieces that unveil, and the amazing talent that emerges from that. 

Bonus: Anything you'd like our audience to know that we haven't covered? Any advice? Final words?

Just a big thank you to my friends, family, and my amazing partner who’ve continuously supported me on this journey. I couldn’t do what I do without all the love and encouragement they’ve given me. And I really hope that the art I make can inspire others to feel like art too. 

And thats a wrap!

Thank you to Jovie for joining us today and for those who tuned in. We at SOCIETY MODEL are dedicated to showcasing innovative and inspiring voices within the creative community.

Be sure to continue following Jovie's Journey on social media & Stay tuned for our next creative spotlight! 



  • Anonymous

    Glad I came across this article keep it up society.

  • Anonymous

    Grateful for people like Jovie, keep being authentic!

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